At the moment, I no longer want to read novels youth or ado. It all started with four sisters, Malika Ferdjoukh. A sense of strangeness in starting the first volume, a day in the train - it only happens to me not so often that, finally, read novels youth. And then, very quickly, I've been caught, I chained the three following holding my breath, before a break when I realized, Thursday, I had 10 pages before the very end. I take advantage of this time a little bit more my time before leaving once and for all the Verdelaine sisters.
Each volume is the name of one of them, by order of magnitude - Enid, Bettina, Hortense and Geneviève. As in the Vill'Hervé - this House any apples and oranges that I I like to imagine - it is full, it's squabbling, it's life. It is sometimes childish, a little magic, sometimes full maturity, sometimes severe. A real coup de coeur.
Read in the meantime, always from the youth of my library space, the first volume of OWL adaptation comic of four sisters, designed by Cati Baur in Delcourt.
In the meantime also, there was this day-express in Paris organized by the school of recreation (which is also published Malika Ferdjoukh) with authors youth subject for me wonderful memories of reading - Agnès Desarthe, Geneviève Brisac and laws Lowry (originally of the Anastasia Krupnik series: génialissime, strangest).
Then necessarily, to prepare for this day, I had again borrowed youth novels (and much ri with Anastasia at your service).
And then, as if I had irrevocably taken the fold, I just borrow Dear George Clooney, do you not want to marry my mother?
I find that there is a true pleasure, quite indefinable, to read these books. It is surprising to find rather well..., or even outright intelligent and dotted - four sisters is the perfect illustration.